We have a new and improved logo for Go Green Sustainable Industries, LLC. Timmy the Turtle is also going to be the spokesturtle for our yet-to-be-named non-profit. The non-profit is going to focus on educating about Water; our #1 most precious natural resource and phosphates. Phosphates are incredibly dangerous to humans, plants, and animals alike in high concentrations...high concentrations occur as a result of storm run-off, untreated (and treated) sewage in water supplies (resulting from such things as laundry or dishwasher detergents), and agricultural applications (whether from the homeowner’s lawn OR the farmer’s crops). The kicker is that phosphates are TOTALLY unnecessary.
Introducing Timmy...

LolliDoo® Diapers are going to hit the shelves this coming January. We are offering a all-in-one with a unique patented air flow design; LolliDoo® Two, as well as a remarkable new concept to diapering; LolliDoo® For You(TM), It's All About Choices(TM). I cannot share this top secret system just quite yet, but rest assured, it's going to knock your socks off.

Coming soon...

I know I am a tease, but I couldn't help myself.
All the logos are oh-so pretty and PERFECTION!
Woop! I'm excited for January! Joe's gonna have a new diaper touching his butt. heh.
Very cute, logos - btw. I like. :)
i can't wait...there will be oodles of photos of Ike in your spiffy diapers.
and I told my husband I wouldn't get sucked into buying diapers...ha!
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