It began in 2004 when we were both pregnant and due in May of 2005. Bored and looking for camaraderie I joined an online parenting forum. I quickly found a group of mommies who shared similar parenting philosophies. We chatted online, on the phone and sometimes we had group web chats.
I was in the process of developing a cloth diaper - my vision then was to mainstream cloth diapers. Having no sewing experience whatsoever I sketched a diaper and sent it off to a friend to sew. Once I got the testers back I was dismayed that they leaked and didn't fit well.
Chanda - one of our internet friends - suggested that I call Melissa. She said that Melissa was a brilliant seamstress and she might even have an interest in partnering with me. So I did.
Melissa was in - and our two families embarked on an amazing journey. We formed an LLC in 2007; before ever meeting face to face.
Eventually the Morgan family took a trip our to Tucson and soon thereafter we went to their house in Washington for six weeks. Thank goodness we love eachother as much in person as we did online.
It might not be for everyone but I can assure you that meeting my partner online was perfect synchronicity.

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