Here is a recent article on a Measles outbreak.
The fatality rate from measles for otherwise healthy people in developed countries is 3 deaths per thousand cases, according to the Vaccination News. What they don't tell us is if these cases were in immune compromised people, the elderly or if they had been vaccinated or not.
Also from the Vaccination News:
Clients (and those who have contacted us) have reported to us a number of problems with the vaccine. To date we are aware of more than 800 instances of side effects following the MMR and MR vaccines. The figures in [square brackets] give the numbers reported in respect of side effects so far Note that some children will have more than one adverse reaction. The side effects include:
Symptoms [number]
Autism [926]
Bowel problems [309]
Epilepsy [199]
Other forms of brain damage (including meningitis, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, encephalitis etc.) [107]
Behaviour and learning problems [175]
Arthritis and arthralgia (including crippling juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) [81]
Deafness in one or both ears [49]
Diabetes [29]
Behavioural and learning problems (in older children) [110]
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue [41]
Guillain‑BarrĂ© syndrome [9]
Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (and other purpuras) [6]
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) [3]
Wegener's Granulamatosis [2]
Leukaemia [1]
Multiple sclerosis [3]
Deaths [22]
My pediatrician refuses to administer the MMR and will have parents not only go elsewhere to get it but she has them sign a waiver saying that she advised against it. I personally review the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization websites weekly to keep abreast of contagious diseases, their symptoms and mortality rates. Then my husband and I discuss what we feel the safest choice is for our family.
It is *my* belief that kids without compromised immune systems can weather the Measles, gaining a natural immunity, much more safely then the MMR. Whatever parents decide to do about vaccinating their kids or not, I hope it's a well researched informed decision, not based on their doctor's orders.
***Disclaimer. I am obviously not a doctor and this is my opinion onlyBelow is a comprehensive list of research, studies and experts on the subject. Please make informed decisions.
Immunisation against infectious diseases (the green book) 1996 edition
the MacMillan Guide to Family Health 1982
The Theory and Practice of Public Health Edited W Hobson. 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 1979.
Immunisation Awareness Society Incorporated. PO Box 56048, Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand. (ISSN 1170-7208). Vol. 4 No 3. Page 7.
Live measles vaccine: a 21 year follow up. Miller‑Christine‑BM.
The British Medical Journal. 1987 Jul. 4. 295(6589). pp 22‑24.
Immunizations and brain damage. Iannetti‑P; Spalice‑A; Terenzi‑S; Raucci‑U; Parisi‑P. PEDIATR‑OGGI‑MED‑CHIR. 14/3‑4 (31‑36) 1994
Justice Awareness Basic Support; a support group to help families with vaccine damaged children.
Complications of Rubella vaccination. From:
"Rubella in Pregnancy" by Nick Sidle MB BS BSc. Pages 63-65.
Chronic rubella vaccine‑associated arthropathy. Mitchell‑LA; Tingle‑AJ; Shukin‑R; Sangeorzan‑JA; McCune‑J; Braun‑DK. ARCH‑INTERN‑MED. 153/19 (2268‑2274) 1993
The Complete Family Health Guide.
The Biology of Autistic Syndromes; Christopher Gillberg and Mary Coleman; Mac Keith Press; 2nd Edition (ISBN (UK) 0 901260 92 4) Page: 57.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders an aid to diagnosis by Lorna Wing MD FRCPsych. 1995. P7. Available from the National Autistic Society. (Our under lining)
Children with Autism by Colwyn Trevarthen and others. Publisher Jessica Kingsley (1996)
AUTISM THE FACTS by Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen and Dr. Patrick Bolton. Oxford Medical Publications 1993: Page 27.
The Biology of Autistic Syndromes; Christopher Gillberg and Mary Coleman; Mac Keith Press; 2nd Edition (ISBN (UK) 0 901260 92 4) Page: 22
Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity. Arnon Dov Cohen and Yehuda Shoenfeld; Journal of Autoimmunity: (1996)9, 699-703
Dysregulated Immune System in Children with Autism: Beneficial Effects of Intravenous
Immune Globulin on Autistic Characteristics by Sudhir Gupta et all. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders Vol 26 No 4. 1996
Commons Health Committee: Second Report. The Specific Health Needs of Children and Young People; Volume 1; 10 February 1997;