I don't have termites and I want to keep it that way. The termite treatment that was originally laid down on my house was the typical toxic variety. The time has expired and I now have to find a solution to keeping termites at bay without poisoning my house, the earth and groundwater.
I had one company come out to give me an estimate. They offer the Sentricon System which won the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge. It's a system that uses termite bait and manipulates natural termite biology and behavior to destroy the termite colony. It's billed as an environmentally responsible way to protect your house.
Baits rely on the biological fact that termites are social insects that feed and groom each other, hence providing a mechanism for transfer of chemical throughout their colonies. Because of social exchange of food (trophallaxis), termites can be affected by a slow-acting toxicant without directly contacting or feeding upon it. Furthermore, baits can have colony-wide effects because individual termites are not site-specific, but instead move freely between numerous, interconnected sites during relatively short periods of time. They also intermix with other colony members so that the same group of termites does not simultaneously visit a bait site.
In-ground stations are inserted in the soil next to the structure and in the vicinity of known or suspected sites of termite activity. In-ground stations often initially contain untreated wood that serves as a monitoring device. The monitoring wood is replaced with the toxicant once termites have been detected feeding on it.
The active ingredient is called Recruit. The active ingredient in Recruit termite bait is 0.5% noviflumuron, an insect growth regulator (IGR). It interrupts the termites’ necessary ability to molt, which means they are unable to grow and, therefore, die.
I dug around and found this PDF file alerting workers who process noviflumuron of safety warnings http://www.fluoridealert.org/pesticides/msd/noviflumuron.recruit.iv.july.05.pdf It is concerning to me that there would be risk for a "responsible" option. This option will cost me $1100 to start and an additional $285 a year to maintain.
I have another company coming out tomorrow with a different product that I believe is Nicotine based. I hope to learn more so that I can make an educated decision.
1 comment:
I just visited your website and I absolutely fell in love with the whole feel and the message you pass on. Way to go.. Its amazing how wel you can create the feel and emotion just by a website.. The garments do speak out a lot.. I specifically loveyour mission behind the whole thing ..
I am writing this mail to you to be associated with your company either through Vendorship or through Partnership..
You will be proud to know that ADYA INTERNATIONAL has been a very passionate about the organic way of life, improving lives of a lot of people and showing gratitude towards mother earth. Based in India , we humbly and graciously fold hands to the nature to bless us in all our endavours…
We are into :-
1. manufacturing of organic apparel in knitted and wovens for men , women and children
2. production of handspun organic woven fabrics
3. production of 100% herbal organic dyes
4. Fair trade production of recycled paper and cotton waste utility products.
5. Fair trade production of surface ornamentation on garments and textiles.
Manufacturing of organic apparel
Manufacturing of 100 % organic apparels include mens, womens, and childrens wear. I have done this production for all ranges more in knitted wear. We have used :-
100% organic cotton,
70% organic cotton - 30% bamboo blend,
85 % bamboo - 15 % organic cotton ,
96% organic cotton - 4% lycra (elastanve)
100% bamboo
96% bamboo - 4% lycra ( elastane)
(BAMBOO is known for its antibacterial properties, freshness and deodrance.)
I am also trying to explore into Soy, Pine and Banana Fibers but I haven’t done any production into them yet. We have done baby wear , T shirts for women in herbal dyes and herbal all over prints, yoga wear for men and women (currently in production), Trendy T shirts for men ( currently in sampling stage) .
In wovens I have done couture skirts with Ahimsa Silk and tops with 60’s organic cotton and amazing prints. We also sampled Womens Jackets using handspun organic cotton( organic khadi). I am also doing sampling of bathrobes for Spa’s using herbal dyed handspun organic cotton.
1. Low Impact Chemical Dyes - You must have heard abt these everywhere. 90 % percent of organic garment providers and manufacturers are proudly using these dyes and yet agencies certify them as “organic” . According to me, they are nothing but diluted forms of the same chemical and hazardous dyes used on normal clothing. As if the concentration is reduced from one cup to half a cup. Certain manufacturers (like us) however ensure that these dyes do not have the carcinogenic material, lead , indigo concentrations, chemical washed etc.. So we have a yet softer form of low impact chemical dyes. On the other hand, these dyes are freely available, in all spectrum of colours, infact any PANTONE colour can be produced in these dyes, they do not run and can be screened.
2. Water Soluble Dyes - These are slightly better form of dyes. They contain water based pigments and are less chemically hazardous as compared to Low Impact Chemical dyes. They too are freely available, in most spectrum of colours, do not run and also be screen printed.
3. 100% Herbal Dyes - They are the most natural form of dyes. They 100% chemical free natural herb based dyes over our fabrics. This is a patented formula. These dyes are manufactured by herbs and nature products such as henna , turmeric, madder, tulsi etc… We have developed a range of 18 basic colours so far and developing and researching more each day.. They are not available freely , they have 18 basic colours, some of the shades like crimson’s do run in the first wash and are supposed to be washed with similar colours, they can be printed all over, can be screened . On the whole, you may not get that bright ranges as you may get in low impact chemical dyes or water based. But this is the best form of dyes which I always suggest especially for baby or infant wear.
Handspun Organic Woven Fabrics
We are direct manufacturers of handspun organic cotton, also known as ORGANIC KHADI. This are organic cotton yarns hand spun, hand twisted and hand woven by handlooms. We dont use any mechanised process or power looms at any stage. ( I can send you a video of this production too ! ) This is absolutely one of its kind product and cannot even be compared to machine woven fabrics ..Just for your knowledge, fabric production of 7 machine woven shirts provides employment to one person, but on the other hand, fabric production of one hand spun ( or khadi ) shirt provides employment to 4 people. We achieve softness by using super combed organic yarns and non chemcial fabric softners.
(Using this fabric and topping it with herbal dyes couldn’t get any better – its like THE MOST “IDEALLY GREEN” clothing you can ever get !! You gain the blessings of workers, and gain the blessings of the nature through the natural dyes )
Fair trade production of recycled paper and cotton waste utility products
Now we don’t even throw the cotton waste ! We simple collect it, mix it with other bio-degradable wastes and mainly paper, and then RECYCLE ! These products are purely hand made from recylced paper and 100% Cotton waste . Paper recycling is the process of recovering waste paper and cotton cloth and remaking it into new paper products.If you would like, I can send you the details of the manufacturing process. Ranges include items such as pen stands, memo pads, wall hangings, phone books, carry bags , utility cases, letter holders, photo frames etc...
These are ecofriendly and at the same time highly employment generating products.Thousands of workers are involved in this work because of its manual nature. For every order, usually minimum 5-10 workers are required for basic designing and hundreds of them to execute the product
Fair trade production of surface ornamentation on garments and textiles
As a part of fair-trade we are creating 100 % handmade products by rural Indian artisans. We contemporize our women's and girl's wear ranges using these beautiful hand made products and make it as trendy and wearable for our customers .These products include authentic traditional Indian hand embroideries from almost all the states, mirror works, knotted designs, crochet, knitting, macramé, hand made organic dyes, hand made prints, wax prints , vegetable prints, handmade block art etc... We are also into handmade accessories such as stoles, shawls, handbags, handtags, scarves etc..
Corporate / Give – away’s / Event’s
Catching on the Green wave, there have been many Corporates, offices and large quantity clients who have approached us with their requirements – we of course welcomed them to join our bandwagon ! We even made a lot of give away bags, volunteer T shirts for events, “SAY NO TO PLASTIC” totes and a host of other things …
Yoga Accessories
I am into yoga bags, totes, mats , rugs , eye pillows cushions, teak wooden blocks, neti pots etc.. You can have these products with and without your logo over it. It could be as personalised as you would want them. They are made with and without organic fibers , however you want them.
Last but not the least ! Bed sheets , towels , pillow covers …. In amazing self weaves, prints, textures…… whew !
Thanks a lot for being patient and going through the above write up. I think I have just been born for this mission so I cant limit the flow of writing once I start..
I will be more than happy if I could be able to manufacture something for the cause you are behind. Being an apparel designer myself, I could probably design some T Shirts free of cost for you ! As long as I meet people with the same cause and the same mission.. my passion for saving the planet just triples !
I would love to hear from you , answer your queries if any.. Pls also let me know if you would like to see certain sample or swatches.You could give me your contact number ifyou would like me to get in touch with you.
Thanks and Best Regds
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